The Clare Health Centre Foundation is proud to have facilitated the purchase of the following key medical equipment for the Clare Health Centre.
Tele-Health Unit - $15,000

This is a confidential videoconferencing unit which allows patients to connect to outside agencies eliminating the necessity to travel to Halifax. Currently it is mostly being utilized by the IWK, NS Rehabilitation services, Integrated Chronic Care Services and the Cardio-vascular clinic.
Emergency Room - $17,000

This room has much utilization and contains life saving equipment (Lifepak) as well as equipment to assist with minor surgeries and suturing. The specialized table (bed) and surgical lamp ensures correct positioning and adequate lighting. As a result, many procedures can be carried out by the group of on-site providers thus reducing the need for surgeon referral and emergency room visits.
Defibillator - $22,000

Used to defibrillate patients in the case of cardiac arrests. We often use it to monitor patients with chest pain, irregular rhythms and for doing cardiograms. Our unit is over 10 yrs old and this will need to be replaced in the near future as technologies change and improve.
Portable Ultrasound

Clarius C3 HD3 convex scanner is portable, user-friendly interface, with advanced imaging capabilities. Specifically tailored for abdominal, thoracic, pelvic, obstetric, urological, vascular, hip, and spinal examinations, this device provides clear imaging up to 40 cm. Ensuring cost-effective imaging solutions, it incorporates artificial intelligence, specialized presets, and customizable workflows to ensure an optimized and seamless diagnostic experience for patients.
Bladder Scanner - $18,000

An incredibly valuable tool used to make diagnoses associated with urine retention or other conditions. As an ultrasonic device, it is used to measure the urine levels in the bladder. A great benefit of using this scanner is the prevention of unnecessary catheterization.
Blood Pressure Machine - $12,000

The TruBP machine records three blood pressures on you at different intervals over a period of about 10 mins. Having more than one reading done in this manner gives a more accurate reading than having just one single reading done, especially for those individuals who tend to have a higher blood pressure when they walk into the office.
24-Hour B.P. Monitor - $3000

For most patients, this test would have to be done in Yarmouth or in Digby. This test can be set-up for you at the Clare Health Centre. It records and analyzes numerous readings in a 24 hour period even when you are asleep. The results will help your provider identify high or low blood pressure and help in the management of your condition.

The acquisition of an additional autoclave mirrors our existing on-site equipment, strategically implemented to accommodate the escalating volume of instruments requiring sterilization. Utilized for the meticulous sterilization of medical instruments between uses, autoclaves play a pivotal role in upholding rigorous hygiene standards within our facility.
Slit Lamp - $10,000

​This specialized lamp may be used to better visualize an eye injury, foreign body in the eye or other eye conditions.
Spot Vital - $2600

​If you have come in to see the on-call doctor, you will have benefited from this piece of equipment. The staff uses this piece of equipment to do your blood pressure, record your pulse and record you oxygen level before you see the doctor.
Lifepak - $25,000

The Lifepak is a combination defibrillator and ECG (electrocardiogram) machine. The defibrillation portion of this apparatus is potentially lifesaving. Your provider may also utilize the Lifepak to do an electrocardiogram. Electrocardiograms can help quickly identify serious heart conditions/rhythm disturbances that need immediate action or if not serious, can reassure the patient and avoid a trip to the hospital.

Our Approach
In addition to the generosity of our benefactors, the Clare Health Centre Foundation raises funds through the coordination of two annual fundraising events, both of which help the organization fulfill its mission. These events are designed to engage the community and bring together people from all walks of life with the common goal of making a positive and healthy impact on the lives of others.

Future Needs
As part of the standard life cycle of equipment, we anticipate the following will need replacement in the near future:
Sterilization system – $8,000.00
Defibrillator – $25,000.00
Replacement of various items for equipment reaching
end of life cycle -
Envision the establishment of group visits for patients
to access various exercise equipment.